Posted by : Unknown Wednesday 4 March 2015


Write a program to implement the Date class which has three data members: day, month and year. Provide two constructors, one which takes arguments and another one which does not (you may set values of data members to 0). Write getter and setter functions (input and show functions) for the class. Write a member function pastDate() which tell where the date is the past date or not.
In main program:
Create two objects using two difference constructors
Call setter and getter functions on those objects.

Call the pastDate() function.


using namespace std;

class Date{
private: int day;
                                 int month;
                                 int year;

                Date(int, int, int);

                //member funcs
                void setDate(int, int, int);             //set date
                void getDate();                                                                 //print date
                void chkPast(int, int, int);                                                                             //chk date is past or not

                day = 0;
                month = 0;
                year = 0;

Date::Date(int x, int y, int z){
                day = x;
                month = y;
                year = z;

void Date::setDate(int x, int y, int z){
                day = x;
                month = y;
                year = z;

void Date::getDate(){
                cout << "dd-mm-yy" << endl;
                cout << day << "-" << month << "-" << year << endl;

void Date::chkPast(int x, int y, int z){
                if (z < year){
                                cout << x << "-" << y << "-" << z << " is a past date then ";
                else if (z == year && y< month){
                                cout << x << "-" << y << "-" << z << " is a past date then ";
                else if (z == year && month == y && x < day){
                                cout << x << "-" << y << "-" << z << " is a past date then ";
                else if (z == year && month == y && x == day){
                                cout << x << "-" << y << "-" << z << " is a current date" << endl;
                else {
                                cout << x << "-" << y << "-" << z << " is a future date" << endl;

void main(){
                Date d1;
                Date d2(10, 12, 1996);

                cout << "Date-1 is:" << endl;

                d1.chkPast(10, 12, 2000);

                cout << endl << endl << "Date-2 is:" << endl;
                d2.chkPast(10, 11, 1994);



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